Foshan is a small city situated 17 miles south west of Guangzhou in China.
It is the ancestral home of Wing Chun. It was formerly a religious centre
and its name means `Buddha hill’.
In Foshan, there are currently five styles of Wing Chun being practised.
These include Leung Jan, Pao Fu Lein, Wan Qi Shang, Guo Bao Chuang and Zhu
Zhong Weng.
Wing Chun means `beautiful springtime’. It was developed over 300 years
ago at the Shaolin Temple by a nun called Ng Mui.
Wing Chun practise largely consists of partner work to build sensitivity.
Emphasis is on moving /shuffling stance work, blocks, strikes, low level
kicks, chi sao, forms, wooden man techniques and weaponry.
Wing Chun helps to develop internal energy. It is an effective form of
Wing Chun is direct and uses economical movements and the opponent’s force.
In Foshan Wing Chun, boxing forms are longer than Hong Kong Wing Chun
and there are many differences in positions and angles.